A Muslim Pearl in a Western Shell is a podcast created to bridge the gap between the Muslim and non-Muslim world. In recent years with the rise of ISIS and Boko Haram, many have come to know the name of Islam as a religion of hate and murder. This show was created to shed some light on what Islam truly is: a religion of peace, tranquility, love, and unity. This podcast also serves as a podium for Muslims to speak out and let our voices be heard. Many critics of the Muslim faith are vocal about their views of Islam, and how none of the Muslim body is speaking about the torture of ISIS and what it represents. Thus, another reason to launch this insightful podcast.
We also seek to discuss different topics pertaining to culture, gender stereotypes, as well as nature vs. nurture debates on key social aspects of society. We want to discuss topics that many mainstream westerners brush off and find unimportant, as well as topics really hitting the spotlight in the media and social networking.
If you have a thirst for knowledge and understanding of the muslim faith, you have come to the right place. Welcome to the Muslim Pearl family!